94 年持牌至今,曾為三角形會會員。 回歸後, 因個會風格變異而無續會。
2000年加入鑽石會,並曾出任委員。無奈,一言堂的環境下,充其份只是會長的Fans Club。搞唔起就無謂徙時間,起身走人。
眼見現今本地所謂ham界活動,主要依附於各社福界的外展function。 好聽一點,叫radio support;說白一點,只不過是寄人籬下的event,做啦啦隊。人有活動,你有。人唔搞,你就乜都無。
據官方記錄,香港註冊的業餘無線電團體在這十幾年間增至幾十個;理應蓬勃發展。但我們除多了一大堆沒用或使用率很低的repeater外,還剩下什麼 ? 這些會對ham radio推廣又有什麼實質貢獻?
好多人也將Ham Radio 之沒落歸咎於Internet的普及。本人完全反對這些論點。
Internet是一個機遇,不是一個殺著。將Radio與 Internet 結合正是新時代的出路,突破一些陳舊的電訊條例的契機。
King of hobbies,仍會是 King of hobbies。
隨著數碼廣播的年代展開,業餘無線電的數碼化還會有多遠? 筆者就以此部落格和舊網站及Analog的時代作個了結。本部落格主要探討封包式通訊和數碼化Ham Radio 的設置。
2012年 仲夏
The Google translation result is poor, so let me introduce myself in English; on a year after my Blog launch.
I am an electronics enthusiast since 11 years old. I got my amateur license on 1994.
I am concentrate on the APRS & data communication activities, as well as the license free SDR technology.
Recently, I study Linux solution of Amateur radio application.
Many people said amateur radio is dying, and the Internet instant communication programs will replace it.
I disagree such opinion; I believe the future of the amateur radio will be the integration of radio & Internet. Internet is a new communication path of Amateur Radio, not replace it.
As the commercial digital broadcasting launched several years, I trust the digital amateur radio age is coming soon.
Let’s play our Radio with computer & latest technology!
August, 2013